Courses and individual coaching for artists, art historians, collectors and art enthusiasts.

Learn the essential features of  the past and current art market, the basics how the art market has functioned over the centuries and how you can earn money with art.

Dr. Harriet Häussler is an expert in art market economics. After years of managing her own gallery for contemporary art in Berlin, she started teaching at the Freie Universität Berlin and University of Hamburg in 2009. Since then she has held numerous courses, talks and conferences on a wide range of topics in this special field.

Artists, art historians, gallery owners and managers, dealers, art collectors, auctioneers and art journalists have participated in her courses at diverse institutions. Furthermore, Harriet Häussler has published numerous articles on the historical and contemporary art market as well as on artists of the 20th and 21st century. Her most recent book on the history of the art market from antiquity until the present has just been published.


Freie Universität Berlin, Art-Historical Institute
Technische Universität Berlin
Universität Hamburg
berlin international - University Of Applied Sciences
Louvre Abu Dabi
HTW - Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Technik Berlin
tiemann preis

Freie Universität Berlin, Art-Historical Institute

FU Berlin, Training Center, Management in the Art Market

Freie Universität Berlin, Erasmus-Programme

Freie Universität Berlin, Library of Economics

Universität Hamburg, Art-Historical Institute

Technische Universität, Forum Art and Market, Berlin

BAU International University of Applied Sciences, Berlin

Schöneweide Kreativ, Network “culture and creativity economy”, Berlin


Christie’s, Hamburg

Christie’s, New York, Education Department


Dr. Harriet Häussler’s courses aim to introduce you to the different fields of the art market. They are suitable for artists and art historians who wish to develop their professional careers and also for collectors, journalists, gallery owners and managers who would like to know more about the structure of the primary and secondary market. 

The Artist and the Art Market

€ 24.-

The course gives practical information for painters, photographers, sculptors and other creative workers. In six 30-minutes modules you will learn all the important basics for an artist to be successfull at the art market: how to deal with galleries in a gallery contract, how to draw a business plan, how to find an art pricing stratgy and sales practices and which social media really help you to develop a brand.

Careers for Art Historians

€ 5.-

The course is aimed for art historians after graduading or in a phase of professional orientation. I will explain the advantages and disadvantages of different fields of the art market: how is it to work in a gallery, in an auction house, as an art dealer, at an artist’studio, as an art consultant, journalist or monument conservator, in a museum, in the tourist industry or in an archive, library or university.

The Art Market in the Time of the Pandemic

€ 8.-

The course offers a summary of the important developments and changes which the art market has seen since the outbreak of the pandemic. You will learn more about positive and negative consequences for your job if you are an artist, a collector, a curator, a journalist or an art dealer.

From the blog

Art Cologne

Impressions from this year’s art fair – the oldest fair for contemporary art The overall impressions of the represented art works can be summed up: The dimensions of the works were much smaller…

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Interview in the new Sotheby’s magazine

Sothebys_Art_Magazine_April_2024Download 5 questions on the art market It was an interesting conversation on the new role of China, the future of NFT’s, possible strategies how to deal with the challenges of the present…

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Anselm Kiefer: Die Himmelspaläste

Die Untersuchung der Himmelspaläste, mit denen Anselm Kiefer sein skulpturales Werk begründet, eröffnet einen vollkommen neuartigen Zugang zum Oeuvre des Künstlers. Aus der Betrachtung des Skulpturenzyklus´ konnte die Erkenntnis gewonnen werden,…
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The third edition of my book „Anselm Kiefer: Die Himmelspaläste“ was just published by J.B. Metzler.




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